Le Parole degli Angeli
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To accept the pain to understand the pain

To accept the pain to understand the pain and new freedom messages


To accept the pain to understand the pain : my sweetest brothers and my sweetest sisters, I feel Love is guiding me to all of you, I sense each one of you as being important, and my desire is to help you, making your heart ever more free to express itself, to expand your light, to place yourself in the experience as a heart that is experimenting itself through the events, to then learn through the light that is expressing itself.


Through the experience the heart contracts, an experience that fills with pain, experience that throws your heart into the darkness; what do you think of the experience of your brothers when there is darkness inside their hearts? There are experiences that you have also had, and so you know from the heart, you know its elements, all the emotions that were manifested, experiences where your heart, at times of suffering, learned from them and understood them; as you interact with your brothers, do remember those emotions you had felt, and those emotions will reach the other heart and give that heart something of you that touches his own emotions, and allows him to accept them; the heart needs to accept, to feel itself accepting emotions that can hurt, emotions that are a trauma of the feelings; and so, if the act of accepting means to understand the pain, your words will limit that pain, they will contain it.


Among your experience the many emotions experimented left you with baggage on a heart in need, a heart that accepts what it feels, a heart that is still understanding, a heart that limits pain and faces life instead of suffering through life.


So many of you do not accept the experience and place themselves looking at life with a desire to be able to erase that painful experience; when the pain is strong, it’s a very important experience for the heart to be able to accept the circumstances that brought it there. It’s truly important to accept the emotions caused by the event, this is how your freedom begins, from your acceptance.


You see brothers living in pain for years, that heart needs this kind of acceptance, your help will be in aiding the acceptance.


Acceptance means freedom for the emotion, acceptance frees the emotion; in the acceptance the pain is understood and this gives freedom to the heart to express themselves, and at the same time even while holding an intense pain.


Every experience in life contains pain inside, because the experience among you suffers from the limits of being on earth, misunderstandings, difficulties, your limitations, other people’s limitations, they always give an experience of pain, this is an experience that only the experience of acceptance will be able to limit, turning yourselves into a heart that faces life in its experience.


The heart expects love, Love accepts pain.


I embrace you brothers, I embrace you sisters, and I embrace your hearts in the pain, but also in the life.


Your brother Jesus Christ


To accept the pain to understand the pain and new freedom messages was the Message dictated 17th June 2011




To accept the pain to understand the pain and new freedom messages


To accept the pain to understand the pain


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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