Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Illusion is to think of your own well being

Illusion is to think of your own well being without worrying about how others are faring


Illusion is to think of your own well being : my sweet and beloved brothers and sweet and beloved sisters, I come to bring you words, important words for you as you go through this journey, in this precise moment, on earth.


The impression you get as you look at your brothers is influenced by all those images of knowledge broadcasted by the world of the media, from the time spent reading the newspapers to watching your televisions, they transmit horror to you, constant contact with violence, deprivation, this entire world speaks to you of selfishness, of obtaining anything at any cost, and then people suffering and feeling powerless, or people forced to endure.


In front of your eyes these images, relentless, sad, even your eyes no longer have tears to shed, resignation begins to settle in. In the eyes of brothers today there is this mourning: humanity has been lost.


To your eyes, therefore, there are brothers who have lost their way, the value of their own being. A big sigh, how did it happen?


I repeat these are images that constantly push this question in front of you: how did it happen?


Brothers, my beloved sisters, when Love abandons the eyes of brothers, all of you are left with is selfishness, and pity is the byproduct; when I only cater to myself, worrying only about the outcome of the harvest for me, what will happen to others will be far away from my interest, and if I cause pain to others, they can not see my eyes, people who work for this harvest will seem to me like things instead of people. All this has determined a converging point on earth: everything has become a ‘thing’.


Brothers, sisters, around you everything has become property, a son, a bride, property;  possession of goods and bodies and one only desire: your own well being.


Illusion is to think of your own well being without worrying about how others are faring. All this in front of your eyes, these images, this anguish, this pain that is accompanying all of you in your hearts.


When in front of your eyes, through your heart you make contact with a creature, who is a body and who is also emotions, and a story of experience of life among brothers and desire and dreams, you understand that life is inside them, in front of your eyes you will have found your humanity and security and understanding of the value of that brother, and in this way respect will arise spontaneously as you see a brother as a being, just like you.


The contact with eyes and heart will light up the Love, and your world has billions of eyes and billions of hearts to be able to feel the other person as yourselves.


I surround you with my Love, think of yourselves, all of you, as me, isn’t it wonderful to notice that we are all brothers? Feel the emotion, the sudden joy, embraced, all of you, this is our humanity that has a body in you, and in us it only has a heart that beats.


I love you my brothers, I love you my sisters, and I love your body because inside it is where you are. A long embrace detains me with you, for my heart it’s impossible to leave you, I need you, I need to welcome you and embrace you and give you my Love, I want to live this intense affection that I feel for you, and this is my life, every moment of it.


Your brother Jesus Christ


Illusion is to think of your own well being without worrying about how others are faring was the Message dictated 5th September 2011




Illusion is to think of your own well being without worrying about how others are faring


Illusion is to think of your own well being


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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