Le Parole degli Angeli
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Life as an emotion life is experience

Life as an emotion life is experience of me message of spiritual growth


Life as an emotion life is experience : my beloved brothers and sisters, my eyes are for you, my heart is forever for you, sweet tears of Love come from my eyes when I see you, I am feeling so much joy, I am hugging you with my heart, I am a brother among you brothers, I accept the invitation to be among you, as a teacher-brother, helping you mobilize your heart constantly in your life.


Life is a constant experience, in the Sky as on earth, the heart beats and experiments as it feels emotions; everything generates emotions and as you feel the emotion there is an important message, what I am feeling speaks of what I am, I am what I am feeling, what I am feeling shapes up who I am, the I Am; I am what I am feeling, I am feeling an emotion that speaks of me, life as an emotion, life as a field on which to experiment myself; this constant experience in which we feel from the heart what is happening inside us in the contact with the life that surrounds us; life is this contact with the emotion. With every behavior we feel emotions, with every event we feel emotions, for every time we feel emotions and every emotion speaks of us, what we meet speaks of us in the emotion, every discussion produces an emotion and speaks of us and speaks within us of what we are.


Brothers, sisters, the emotion speaks of us as a heart, being heart is what we are, as we express ourselves we are expressing our heart, we are in this emotion. When in my heart I feel that emotion, I am an expression of that feeling toward myself. I could scream and I become the scream, I could express my thought to others and be comprehension, I do not express through words, but what I am is expressed in my emotion, what I truly express is the emotion of the heart that runs through the words and this is the expression of me, words, actions, attitudes, all this is expression of my heart, the emotion is crucial, feeling myself in the emotion, in what speaks of me, highlights what is my true expression inside my heart; welcoming that emotion is therefore like touching on what the heart is feeling, I feel within what I am.


In the emotion I can touch parts of me that are expressing themselves, and as I feel I can touch in the emotion what the push of the heart is expressing, in the passion is its expression, its contraction when in pain, its contraction when having problems, its explosion when in joy. As you listen to our own feelings we make contact with our Being, with our interiority.


Once again I am hugging you, my heart surrounds you with Love, carry your Love inside your heart, may you feelings be full of joy.


Your brother Jesus Christ


Life as an emotion life is experience of me message of spiritual growth was the Message dictated 5th October 2011




Life as an emotion life is experience of me message of spiritual growth


Life as an emotion


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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