Le Parole degli Angeli
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Violence the seed of violence

Violence the seed of violence inside you bombs at Boston marathon


Violence the seed of violence : when bombs explode among brothers, when the night takes over and spreads anguish, when anguish fills your Souls, you ask us for help with the question, why? why these new massacres? why massacres of innocent people? why? why? why? you ask.


The reason is to be found between yourselves, when the seed of violence is inside you, you will also be able to see violence in the world, when the seed of injustice is inside you, you will also be able to see examples of injustices in the world, when you attack your brothers with violence, you will also see violence in the world, when your thoughts about your money will take precedence over the needs of other people, then in the world you will also see thoughts of possession.


That which is a seed inside you, is inside everyone in the world.


My beloved ones, your hearts will certainly work every instant to establish peace where there could be a reaction of violence instead, and establish justice where you could possibly opt for a behavior of non justice, and once again your heart will have the right relationship between money and need, and from your heart there will be a tendency to seek agreement with others, as opposed to violence, you will have discovered your identity in your heart, but in the world there is a major silence when it comes to listening to your own Souls, I am explaining to you the reason for these tragedies that you are witnessing with so much pain.


Every brother in the world is just like you, his Soul, his possibilities for listening, his strength to be able to choose to do the right thing in the world, to be correct, to be sympathetic, to still care about the world, its freedom, its well being of everyone, but for as long as these terrestrial seeds will be nourished, the anguish of my brothers and their great pain will continue to be among you.


Be strong my brothers, may you be the example of a Humanity you conquered, spread seeds when you are learning, teach people to listen to themselves, try to communicate from the voice within your heart, just like I am spreading seeds, turn the Truth into the seed that you will be spreading.


I support you, I am with you with my infinite Love


Your brother Jesus Christ


Violence the seed of violence inside you bombs at Boston marathon was the Message from the Sky 17th April 2013




Violence the seed of violence inside you bombs at Boston marathon


Violence the seed of violence


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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