Le Parole degli Angeli
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Words of comfort Love embracing you

Words of comfort Love embracing you Messages


Words of comfort : nowadays there are many situations that require your attention, I can mention the difficulties you have every day as you look after your children, discussions among you, conflicts reflecting the differences between generations, how can I not understand all of your difficulties? to your eyes, the model you are adopting seems to be the best one, but all around you they seem to speak a different language, you treasure the value of honesty, of effort, of conquering something for yourself and for others, of being important for your own competencies, and being supportive among yourselves in times of need; and you worry so much about those questions that, they taught you in the past, should not be asked, and yet for a child today there are nothing but questions; questions that keep testing your affection for them, a judgment on your own existence, an effort to take your children by the hand and guide them, even though they may not always agree with you, for they will look with their own eyes and will gain their own experience, but they do know that you are present at their side, and this is what matters, for a child what is important is to know that they can count on you.


And again situations pertaining others, so many people are in pain for their effort for the many brothers who have health problems, or are elderly, or are not self sufficient, it’s a big effort, so much Love being given, and life events are not always positive, and many people feel frustrated as they help, but what is really important for those who are suffering is to see that you are there, you are the important part, you and your heart, the Love you express is the support.


Many of you feel they are in a condition of pain for the many difficulties in leading a dignified existence, their precarious job situation, no guaranteed certainty, honoring a promise you made in the past is not easy when changes happen, just like it’s not easy to have the certainty that things will change, and yet, in the center of this life is you, and things will eventually change if you don’t fold up on yourselves, regaining all your values and going to offer your help, this is all temporary, it’s but a moment, a moment in which you can count on your own strength,  on your value, on what the act of making yourselves available has actually already achieved.


For others, there is not much room for change, they think of old times, they are grateful for what life brought to them in the past, but the effort of life is endless, every day it starts again, and it brings new things as long as I go to the world and I try to offer my Love, my values, could it really be that nobody needs a shoulder to lean on, an exchange of words, some help for an emergency, some help in adverse times? A companion, a help, come on brothers, take advantage of those who are having a normal situation, and my day will be full of effort, and my heart renewed as I tend to you, because everything makes me feel alive in my emotions.


With Love I embrace every one of you, every one, every one.


Your brother Jesus Christ


Words of comfort Love embracing you Messages is the Message 13th February 2014




Words of comfort Love embracing you Messages


Words of comfort


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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