Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


The value of others the value of a life

The value of others the value of a life messages


The value of others the value of a life : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, pain, you are feeling so much pain for your brothers, for all those creatures, who are killed by this humanity that no longer recognizes the value of others, the value of a life; they are tragedies, from little children being raped, to the many female companions being killed or maimed, the death of a son or a daughter brings horror of this humanity that thinks obstacles or limits as the life of others.


In the unforeseen is the fight against the life of others.


In the past, even in the antique times, life has never been considered for all as an identical value, be it for financial reasons, or for familial affiliations, a different value has been attributed to the life of a creature, you see this horror far away in time, but also today this is a reality in many lands, a reality that also affects your country.


Many are still those brothers who rise to power, who raise themselves, and there are many who raise themselves with indifference toward others.


Therefore, my brothers, what do you think? Life in all of its expressions, does it not need respect, precisely because it is value?


This humanity has respect for life only when it comes to taking, when it answer to one of its desires, when, in a few words, it coincides with one of its own necessities. It’s ugly, but this is how it is.


The journey, my brothers, is still very long, you need to rewrite the beginning of this long story, placing the life in all of its aspect as a core for humanity; everything that is living is in itself indispensable, it has intrinsic value, because it is existing, existing is life and value. Value.


In front of your eyes you have life and value, in others, in every component of the existent, there can be inclinations and therefore leaning more toward one than the other, however, brothers and sisters, every creature as intrinsic value.


My brothers and sisters, when we laugh, it is never for accidents that occurred to brothers, or for their mistakes, or errors, or moments of clumsiness, because this is to raise yourselves against that brother, many of you understand, when you create conflict we usually communicate, we don’t raise ourselves with aggression in order to impose ourselves, and I see others that understand, when our roads cross the existing, there is respect of each one of you, as a consequence of the recognition of the value of every creature.


Rewriting the value in the daily life is to give a new direction to this humanity.


And this progress is possible for your evolution, you are many hearts, and now, with awareness, you proceed on the road of Love.


I am embracing you


Your brother Jesus Christ


The value of others the value of a life is Message 19th June 2014




The value of others the value of a life


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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