Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Orbs moving orbs photos testimonies presences of orbs

Orbs in Salerno Italy Christmas 2009 moving orbs photos testimonies presences of orbs     


Christmas 2009, artistic light show in the city of Salerno, Italy.

My brother has decided to become our photographer, also to involve me in this joyous feast of lights, since I now live in Rome.

I look, I admire the picture, but wait, those are orbs!!! Presence of entities of Love in my native town!!

The emotion is strong, but it’s even stronger as I look at the sequence of these 4 pictures, and I notice that it’s a moving orb… (The path starts on the top right hand corner)








My blissfully unaware co-citizens were surrounded by so much Love!!

A hug, Rita


Title Orbs in Salerno Italy Christmas 2009 moving orbs photos testimonies presences of orbs

Choose English version in www.leparoledegliangeli.com (the words of the Angels)

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