Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Jesus and the children

Jesus and the children the dream of seeing Paradise


Jesus and the children : I will tell you a dream I had when I was little, I have always been a believer, ever since I was a little girl; early one morning I was in the bed with my grandmother because my mother was working, and so she would take me to my grandmother’s before six am, because she had to leave early for work; I was under the covers, and I whispered, Jesus, will you let me see Paradise? but don’t leave me there, because I want to still be here with my mother


After a little while I fell asleep, and I dreamt of a fantastic place, with flowers and birds that had never been seen before on this earth, an immense peace, I did not see Him, but He did tell me “now that you have seen it, you can go back down again”.


I woke up so happy, that I still remember everything about it, and it’s been years now.


Jesus and the children the dream of seeing Paradise are the words from Ivana




Jesus and the children the dream of seeing Paradise


Jesus and the children


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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