Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Wings Guardian Angel

Wings Guardian Angel wings that protect children


Wings Guardian Angel : when I was little we would have challenges, who was able to walk on a wall with their eyes closed, once I tried it but I fell from off wall, and yet I was not injured at all; I remember to this day that around me was a white light, and I had the impression that as I was falling, I was being supported in my fall, to the point where I felt I was being gently laid down on the ground.


Today I still think about this even, trying to understand if what happened is even possible.


I still remember that white light vividly.


Wings Guardian Angel wings that protect children are the words from Alessandro




Wings Guardian Angel wings that protect children


Wings Guardian Angel


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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