Le Parole degli Angeli
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Visiting departed ones at the cemetery

Visiting departed ones at the cemetery experiences


Visiting departed ones at the cemetery : ever since my mother passed away and we set up her grave, we are visiting our departed ones, my mother, at the cemetery, my father has been visiting her often; he loves to see the little flowers grow on her grave, and every morning he goes there to water the little plants and the grass around the grave; my job, the task that my father has decided for me, is that of removing any dead leaves, or any infesting clover, dead little flowers, and to pick together with him any new plants as needed.


It was late October, and a little carnation plant on the grave looked in really bad shape, it only had two buds; as I was removing the dead leaves and I was “tidying up”, I inadvertently removed one of the two little buds, oh my, I was severely reprimanded, even though I knew this was just tension that my father had been carrying with him ever since my mother left.


I could do no more than to apologize to him, and by the time we left the cemetery, we were both in a somber mood.


The following morning, when we went to administer the daily handful of drops of water, on the little carnation plant there were magically 11 buds, it was incredible, I told my father to look at it, I counted them, 11 new buds that sprouted overnight, 11 as in my mother’s birthday, evidently, she too was saddened by the falling out between my father and I over the severed bud, and she found a delightful way to bring back harmony in our family, as well as giving us a sign of her closeness.


Visiting departed ones at the cemetery is the story from Sara


Visiting departed ones at the cemetery experiences


Visiting departed ones at the cemetery


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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