Le Parole degli Angeli
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Holy Communion separated and divorced people

Holy Communion separated and divorced people experiences


Holy Communion to separated and divorced people : hello Sara, today I tell you about Holy Communion to separated and divorced people, it is my personal experience, it’s been a while since I wrote to you, I wanted to share with your readers an experience that I have been carrying in my heart, as a gift that I received from the Sky; you must know that when I was 24 years old, I got married in Church, sadly my marriage did not work and after a few months we separated; my life went on, after a few years I met the person who is now my husband, with whom I had a daughter, obviously we could only get a civil marriage, I will not hide that it has not been easy for a practicing Catholic like me to not be able to get married in Church.


One night, I was in bed, and I was going through an emotionally very fragile period, I was talking with God and Jesus, I cried a lot because it was not possible for me to receive the Eucharist.


I woke up during the night and from the left-hand corner of my bedroom, I saw a dove, with a cross and the sacramental bread, these three elements came towards me, and continued on, and went right through me!


I can not describe the immense joy I felt, I truly felt very loved!


Thank you, Universe of Love!


Thank you, Sara, a hug to you


Holy Communion separated and divorced people experiences is the story from Vivian


Holy Communion separated and divorced people


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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