Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


The Soul exists and it’s immortal

The Soul exists and it’s immortal experiences


The Soul exists and it’s immortal : my dear Sara today I tell you about Soul that exists and it’s immortal, my mother also had a very strange experience, just like some of the ones I read on this website, she had gone to visit an aunt who was very ill on her deathbed, all around her were her children, grandchildren, suddenly they watched her as she closed her eyes and from her chest they all saw a globe of light; they were all astonished, her son said “look, mother’s Soul going up to the Sky”.


My mother was very touched by this even, she said that it was a wonderful experience.


The Soul exists and it’s immortal experiences are the words from Mary


The Soul exists and it’s immortal


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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