Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Angels can show up

Angels can show up to children


Angels can show up : let me tell you this wonderful story, you may make of it what you wish; I look after my little niece Monday to Friday, her name is Rebecca, on the 6th of February she will turn 10 months old; while I was feeding her, Rebecca started staring at the white wall, up above, I noticed that she had done this previously, and I always ask her “did you see the little Angels?”, when, suddenly, she started blowing kisses, still staring at the wall, then she turned around and looked at me and continued blowing little kisses with her little mouth.


I asked her again “was that your little Angel?”.


Like I said, you can interpret this any way you want.


Angels can show up to children are the words from Giovanna


Angels can show up


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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