Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


The deceased watch over us

The deceased watch over us experiences


The deceased watch over us : yes, the deceased watch over us, my mother’s cousin told us a story, experiences from 50 years earlier, it had been only a few days since she had given birth, she had very high fever, excruciating pain on her breasts, they admitted her for mastitis, she fell into a coma from a severe infection; she told us that she found herself outside her own body, she was staring down from the ceiling at her own still body laying on the bed, then she felt attracted by an opening door, she heard someone calling her, and she walked through that door; as she was walking, she encountered all people that had already passed, then she saw a luminous globe, the closer it became and the bigger and more luminous it got, then she saw her own mother, who had died just a few days earlier, her mother told her to go back, that her time had not come, she refused, she was feeling so peaceful there, then her mother told her that she absolutely had to go back, because the baby she had just given birth to needed her there.


Then she woke up from the coma, her baby is now 50 years old, but since the age of 12 he started suffering from schizophrenia, among other things.


The deceased watch over us experiences is the testimonial from Gigliola


The deceased watch over us experiences


The deceased watch over us


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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