Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Calling upon an Angel

Calling upon an Angel experiences


Calling upon an Angel : today I tell you about calling upon an Angel, you know a few years ago I was coming out from a difficult period of my life, I had started to follow the prayers of the renewal of the Holy Spirit, and I started to meet people who claimed to have met their own Angel; a lady gave some courses on Angels, she taught how to evoke an Angel, and so every evening I started to address my own Angel, asking him every evening if he was going to speak to me, or if he was going to show himself to me.


One night, I had just fallen asleep and I felt a presence remove my pillow, so I started talking to it “would you like to play?” then I felt someone grab my arm, I felt hugged by such an enormous, indescribable Love, it told me its name but I could not understand it.


I woke up in the morning, and I could still feel that Love.


Since then, and even if I no longer had such important manifestations, I do feel it always near me.


Calling upon an Angel experiences is the testimonial from Maria Cristina


The deceased watch over us experiences


The deceased watch over us


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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