Le Parole degli Angeli
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What is love definition of love

What is love definition of love given by children 4 to 8 years old


What is love definition of love


love is


when someone makes you feel bad, but you don’t scream because you know that this would make the person who hurt you feel bad!

Mathew – 6 years old


love is


when my grandmother had arthritis and could not longer put her nail polish on, my grandfather would do it for her, even if he had arthritis too.

Rebecca – 8 Years old


love is


when the girl puts some perfume on, the boy puts aftershave on, and then they go out together and they sniff each other.

Karl – 5 years old


love is


when you know that your older sister loves you because she gives you all her clothes, so she can go and buy new clothes!

Lauren – 4 years old


love is


when an old woman and an old man are still friends even if they know each other for a long time

Tommy – 6 years old


love is


when someone loves you, the way they say your name, it’s different!

Billy – 4 years old


love is


when you go out and you offer your chips without waiting for someone to offer them to you!

Chrissy  - 6 years old


love is


if you want to learn to love more, start with the one friend you don’t like very much

Nikka - 6 years old


love is


when you reveal one of your weaknesses to another person and you are afraid this person doesn’t love you anymore because of what you said, but this person surprises you by telling you that they love you even more!

Samantha – 7 years old


love is


there are two types of love: our love and the divine love. The divine love understands both!

Jenny – 4 years old


love is


when mum sees dad all sweaty and dirty, and she tells him he is more handsome than ROBERT REDFORD!

Chris – 8 years old


love is


when you tell your boyfriend he has a nice t-shirt, even if he wears the same t-shirt every day!

Noelle – 7 years old


love is


you must never say I LOVE YOU when it’s not true. But if you do love the person, then say it often. People forget to say I LOVE YOU!

JESSICA – 8 years old


love is


hugging, kissing, saying NO!

Patty – 8 years old


love is


when your dog licks your face even if you left it alone all day!

Mary Ann - 4 years old


love is


when you love someone, the eyes blink and in them you see little stars!

Karen – 7 years old


love is


GOD could have said some magic words to free himself from the nails on the cross, but he did not do it. This is Love!

Max – 5 years old


What is love definition of love given by childen 4 to 8 years old are words from children



What is love definition of love given by children 4 to 8 years old


What is love definition of love


What is love


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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