Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese

Preghiere dal Cielo

Don’t be afraid poem

Don’t be afraid poem I was afraid to be alone poems


Don’t be afraid poem


I was afraid to be alone until …. I learned to communicate with myself.

I was afraid to fail until … I realized I only fail if I never try.

I was afraid people would talk about me until … I realized that people would talk about me anyway.

I was afraid of rejection until … I realized I had to have faith in myself.


I was afraid of pain until …. I learned that it’s necessary to grow.

I was afraid of the truth until …. I discovered the ugliness of lies.

I was afraid of death until … I learned it’s not the end, but the beginning.


I was afraid of hate until … I realized it’s nothing more than ignorance.

I was afraid of ridicule until … I learned to laugh at myself.

I was afraid of getting old until … I understood I was gaining wisdom every day


I was afraid of the past until … I understood it could not longer harm me.

I was afraid of the darkness until … I saw the beauty of the light of a star

I was afraid of change until … .I saw that even a butterfly needed to go through a metamorphosis to be able to fly


Let’s make sure our life is each day more alive

And if we feel weak ..

let’s not forget that at the end

there is always something more


Don't be afraid poem I was afraid to be alone poems is write by Carlo



Don’t be afraid poem I was afraid to be alone poems


Don’t be afraid poem


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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